entry kali ni berkenaan dengan manusia-manusia yg hadir dalam hidup aku. 1st of all, aku nak bgthu yg aku ni lebih suka kawan ngn laki berbanding perempuan. klo perempuan, i have few of them la bukan takde langsung..but..nape aku pilih utk menulis berkenaan kwn2 laki aku? well, bukan aku nak cakap diorg the best ke ape ke..in fact, diorg tak baca pon blog ni..so, aku selesa menulis utk bacaan sendiri..ok..kwn2 perempuan aku, bukan la x bg aku inspirasi ape2 pon..yes, they did..and thats how sisterhood bond and created. tapi..utk aku yg perempuan, nak bonding ngn kwn2 laki, its almost impossible..guy will be a guy..katakanlah korg ade kwn laki yg baik cmne walau dari kecil sekalipon, in the end, diorg akan path away gak..thats why i choose them utk penulisan kali ni. selama 23 tahun aku hidup dan menjadi dewasa, i had known these 3 guys yg bg impact paling besar dlm hidup aku. bila tgok balik kehidupan aku, aku kira bertuah sbb berkenalan dgn 3 org laki ni.
dari mereka, aku belajar pelbagai bnde..aku tgok perubahan mereka dari tak matang menjadi lelaki dewasa. aku rase, klo diorg ade awek, that girl really need to appreciate him. unlike me..aku tak appreciate diorg..bila diorg ade, aku turn my back to them..never listen to them..full with my ego and pride..until they were gone..now 1 of them already gone which is my Insomnia Buddy/ my Long Lost Friend, Mr. Fiki...one is ready to be gone which is my Late Nite Food Buddy, Mr. Pami and one..that i dont know until when he will be there for me, Mr. 4-Years Senior, Sally..
all these guys, i pray to god that one day, all of u can meet the true one in your life..take care of her..make her happy..and for the girls that are fated to them, please..take a good care of them..take care of their heart..i love u guys..you are the best and most inspired guys that i ever met! i guess we should path now, everybody..nice to meet all of u.. :)